CrossFit is...

CrossFit is a state-of-the-art fitness program that is an extremely efficient and effective way to get into world-class shape.  This system harnesses the natural ability of your body's developmental potential and allows you to achieve results--fast.  CrossFit is for the young and for the old, for elite athletes and for the unfit looking to make a change.  CrossFit will take those who have worked out their entire lives and take their fitness to new heights--all in only a few short workouts per week.

Our workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that invoke multiple muscle groups simultaneously (like pushups, pullups, deadlifts, squats, kettlebells, running, rowing, and olympic lifting) executed in a high intensity way.  Our workouts are fun, friendly, and executed in a group setting.

If you are looking to improve your health, your sports performance, or just your everyday life performance, CrossFit is for you.  We provide expert instruction at EVERY single workout so that you stay safe, work hard, and become part of our community.

If you are tired of wandering around the gym; if you are looking to get extremely fit; if you are searching for something positive and fun to BELONG to, CrossFit 859 is for you.

We are creating a real community here at CrossFit 859.  Our members know each other's names, cheer each other on during workouts, and socialize outside of the gym.  The CrossFit philosophy is that the last person to finish is CHEERED.  Come and visit us for FREE to find out what it is all about!